Monday, December 7, 2015


Super fun weekend for our Children's Classic family! We headed  to the north pole Saturday afternoon on none other than the polar express. Of course the conductor was played by yours truly! We had a great lunch, played some fun games, and enjoyed awesome conversation with co workers whom we may not get to see all of the time. While I was driving to the train station and even as the staff came in and saw my costume I had some smiles, snickers, and laughs. At first I thought it was just a fun way to have a staff party, take a load off, and enjoy each others company. Some may have thought it was silly but as the party was coming to a close and Mr. and Mrs. clause joined us  I realized the purpose of the theme for this years party. In some ways it was like the other years but in some ways it was different, and so much more! For the first time in all the years I've attended these parties I left with warmth in my heart and a lesson learned. As the staff entered I stamped there ticket and put a bell around their neck. Nobody really knew what the bell was for and to be honest neither did I. But.. when Santa came and was supposed to give out the first gift, it hit me! I already gave it, the bells as they came in! But they weren't just bells, they were a symbol and a reminder to always believe!!  In the story the little boy asked for a silver bell from Santa's sleigh and that wish was granted. He said it made the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. Through the years, even when no one else could hear it, he used those bells to remind him of that night and the experience he had. I believe if we use our bells we will see beauty, light, and good in our world. What better gift could we receive for Christmas? I would like to thank our FABULOUS administration for this party/ gift! I am so grateful to work for the people and company I do, with the ladies I love! May this holiday season bring you and your family beauty, joy, and love!

                                         Always with love,
                                              Your CC Blogger

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