Monday, September 11, 2017

Helpful Potty Training Tips

When you gotta go....

...You gotta go!

Potty training can be scary business, but we have some tips and information that can make the transition from diaper to undies tolerable.

Did you know?...

  • Potty training success depends largely on the child's readiness.  Some children are ready to start as early as 18 months, while some aren't interested until after the age of 3.  If you feel your child is interested in ditching his diapers, go ahead and introduce him to the potty.  Let him lift the lid and maybe even flush it, it is best to let him know that it will make a louder noise.

  • If your child can walk, follow simple directions, and can get her pants on and off, she is probably ready for potty training.  Again follow her cues and encourage her to go at her own pace.

  • Parents should make sure they have time and patience to start potty training.  This is an emotional time for everyone involved, there will be accidents and it is up to you, the parent, to help calm your child and assure him that it is okay to have an accident and we will try again next time.  If you are feeling a little overwhelmed with accidents try setting a timer to remind both of you it is time to try!

  • Don't compare your child to another, children develop at their own rate, and it's not a contest! There is no need tow worry or look for medical intervention if your child is 3 years old and not potty trained, eventually he will start to show interest.  The best you can do is buy undies with his favorite character on them or in his favorite color and encourage wearing them.  Read him books about potty training and maybe even make a game of it.  If you are having fun your child is more likely to enjoy the process.

  • If you try training for a week or two, and the child shows no interest, wait a few months and try again.  It may be hard to believe, but when you child is physically and mentally ready, the process will be much easier for the both of you.  Just a few months time can make a big difference in their readiness skills.

  • If your toddler is facing other challenges, such as moving to a new home, a new sibling or caregiver, or a new school, there may be a few setbacks in potty training and it would be wise to put if off until things settle down.  This statement is so true! We see this a lot and it is completely normal.  If she is reverting to her old ways then let her.  She will want to get back to potty training as soon as she is comfortable with her schedule again.

  • Buy a child-size potty that your child will feel comfortable sitting on.  Let him play with it and get used to sitting on it while fully clothed.  When buying a potty seat for a boy, try to find one without a urine shield or with a removable one.  It is also easier to pee in the potty sitting down at first.  Once you are ready to transition him to standing while going pee, toss some Cheerios in the potty, and have him "sink the Cheerios".  If you are buying an adapter seat, for the regular toilet, make sure it is comfortable and fits securely, and buy a stool to go with it.  This will help your toddler get on and off the toilet, and will also help him brace his feet while have a bowl movement.  Once your toddler is comfortable sitting on the toilet or potty, you can start a routine by having her sit on the potty at certain times of the the day.  Try first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime for starters. 

  • You can use little rewards whenever your child "makes" something in the potty.  A sticker chart or points toward a small toy can be used as an incentive, try to avoid using candy and snacks as a reward.  Verbal praise works just as well and costs nothing.  Positive reinforcement will help him understand that getting something in the potty in quite an accomplishment.

We hope you find this information helpful! Happy potty training!!

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