Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Your Child's Development: 12 Months

Hello Friends!

Over here on the blog we will be sharing all sorts of helpful information for you as a parent!  We have shared food and recipe ideas, activities, projects we are working on at Children's Classic and we will continue to share a variety of different things to keep you informed as a parent and hopefully we can spark some ideas for you and your family!  One of the things we want to be able to do for you in offer parenting tips and development information.  Hopefully this will help you stay informed as you navigate raising your ever changing children!

Today we are sharing some helpful information about busy and adorable 12 month old children!  Maybe your child is around 12 months, you have had one or will have one or know someone who does.  Wherever you find yourself, I hope you can gain from this information. Most importantly we we hope you will offer some of your parenting expertise so we can all learn from YOU! These are simply ideas and guidelines but we know all children develop at their own pace, which is how it should be.

What do children typically do at 12 months?

When children are developing, they do so at different rates; some slower and some faster.  It is normal for children to be off a few months developmentally than their peers.  No need to worry if your child hasn't quite hit these milestones.  If you are concerned, call your doctor and see what they suggest!  Here are some of the milestones you can expect to see from your 12 month old.


  • Repeats sounds or actions to attract attention
  • exhibits apprehension or fear in some situations
  • Shy or wary around strangers
  • May display separation anxiety - cries when mom or dad leaves
  • Has favorite people and favorite things
  • Likes to play "peek-a-boo" or other interactive games
  • Hands you a book when he or she wants to be read to
  • will cooperate during dressing by putting out arm or leg to help
  • Uses simple gestures like shaking head "no" or waving "bye-bye"
  • Modulates sounds to imitate speech
  • Responds to simple spoken requests or directions such as "pick up the ball"
  • Says "mama", "dada" and "uh-oh!" or other speech associations to things and people 
  • Starts to use objects for their intended purpose such as brushing hair or drinking from a cup
  • Shakes, bangs or throws objects while exploring what the objects are
  • Looks right at a picture or thing when named
  • Easily finds hidden things, understands object permanence 
  • Lets go of objects without help
  • Pokes things with index finger


  • Gets into sitting position without help
  • Pulls up to stand, walks holding onto furniture
  • May attempt to take a few steps without holding on
  • May stand alone, sometimes without realizing it
  • May try to climb on furniture
  • Puts things in and out of a container
  • Holds an object in each hand and bangs them together

What are some helpful parenting tips as I raise my 12 month old?


Learn the signs! Try to notice signs your baby needs changing, for instance, if he recently ate a meal or drank a full bottle, if he's pulling or tugging at his diaper, he's fussing' or he just seems uncomfortable. Take time to talk and create a routine-  "How's my big boy? Lets check your diaper!" Describe what you are doing while you are doing it.  "Let's get this soggy diaper off and put on a nice dry one."  Following a similar routine at each changing helps your child know what to expect. Be patient! Babies can be little wiggle worms on a changing table, but don't worry, as their physical skills develop, you'll get a lot faster too.  Talk to you child throughout the entire changing process. Give choices! Keep a few plastic toys or rattles near the changing table and ask baby which one he'd like to play with; this may distract him from wiggling and make the whole process much easier.


Talk while you dress your child.  Use positive words.  "Ryan, do you want to wear your blue or yellow shirt today?" "Let's put on your blue socks to match your blue shirt!" Be patient and have fun. Remember a squirming baby isn't trying to make your life more difficult, they are just dingin out what their little bodies can do.  Clap hands when finished dressing, "Yay! Ryan is dressed and all ready to play!" Plan on extra time.  If you have to be somewhere with a baby at a specific time, such as a doctor's visit or family gathering, always leave extra time to get ready.  Always have more than one outfit ready.  Spit-up happens! It happens often when you least expect it. Always pack an extra outfit for baby when you go anywhere.  I am sure you know this by now but it is always a good reminder!


At one year old your baby may be eating most of her meals in the highchair.  Your baby may be completely weaned from breastfeeding or the bottle, or only taking a bottle occasionally at nap or bed time.  You may miss these special times with your baby, but it is all part of growing up.  There are other things to look forward to, and you will still want to make meal times a pleasant experience.  It will be fun to see how your baby reacts to different foods, and eventually learns how to use a spoon to feed herself.  Be prepared for messes, and always have a towel or washcloth handy.  Offer your baby a wide variety of healthy foods.  Talk to your baby throughout the meal, tell baby about the food, "Mmmm those are carrots, you can eat carrots like a big girl!" Consider this an "experimental" period, pay close attention to the kinds of foods your baby likes.  Don't force her to eat things she doesn't like.  Mealtimes should be pleasant, not a battle of wills.


Your child's rest schedule should be relatively the same each day.  As your baby gets older, he may require less sleep and want to be awake more.  Take a cue from your child and eliminate naps he doesn't seem to need.  Create a routine, check you baby's diaper, perhaps read him a story or sing a lullaby to help him transition to nap time.  Let other caregivers know what your child's schedule is.  Whether your baby is in daycare or being cared for by a family member occasionally, knowing the child's sleepy times and fussy times will help them understand your baby's needs and feel more confident in caring for them.  Take time for yourself.  New moms will benefit from napping while baby is napping.  Just taking time to put your feet up, grab a healthy snack, or read a magazine, can do wonders to help you re-charge.  Taking care of an active one year old all day is hard work!


Humans are social creatures and babies are wired to seek interaction with their caregivers.  Daily play time with your baby reinforces the adult-child bond, helps your baby discover new things, and promotes communication.  Talk about what you are doing. "Let's play with the blocks!"  "Roll the green ball to me!" Encourage your baby's interests.  Whatever she is interested in playing with, show her what to do and encourage her to explore further.  "Look you can stack the blocks, then you can knock them over!"  Have fun with your child.  Sing, read, and laugh together.  Really take time to enjoy one another's company!

We hope this was helpful.  Stay tuned for more parenting tips and tricks!

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